The weekend of August 12-15th, I met Katie, Tara and Alesha in Las Vegas for a Girls Weekend!!! We all got to Vegas around 9:00 the night of the 12th. It was quite the reunion. I hadn't seen Alesha in probably 4 years!!! It was so great to see everyone again. We chatted for a little while, but of course we were starving, so we headed out to find something to eat. We were staying at The Paris and it is connected to Bally's so we found a little Mexican Restaurant where we could eat. The food was not great, but the conversation was. There was so much to catch up on. We just at sat and talked and ate and it was wonderful. We stayed up talking until late that night. The next day we ate breakfast at La Creperie which was absolutely delicious. If you are in Vegas, you have to try it. After we ate we wanted to lay out at the pool, but it was so stinking hot!!! We got down there at high noon and after some strawberry pina coloda's and an hour later, we couldn't handle the heat anymore. So we decided to get ready and do some shopping. I cannot go to Vegas without hitting H & M, so that was our destination. We got quite a bit of shopping done and I came home with some great finds. We were once again starving, so we decided to get the 24 hour Buffet Pass. I mean, really, it was the best deal! We ate at the Buffet at the Paris and then we went back to the room for some more late night chatting.
The next day we walked around the shops in the hotels, we stopped at the flower gardens at the Bellagio (where Tara had to practice her sexy look and tried to teach us) and we just stayed on the strip most of the day taking in the sights and doing some more shopping.

One of the funnest things we did was stop at the Coca-Cola factory. We tried almost everything they had. We tried 32 flavors from around the world, 8 of their floats and 8 of their unique creations. And I also had to get a 32 oz. Diet Coke because everywhere you turned it was PEPSI!!!! I know that might seem crazy to get a 32 oz one when I had 48 other drinks in front of me, but I was dying for one. I'm not sure how I became the first one to test drink everything since I am the pickiest one, but I did and I made a lot of gross faces. I didn't like alot of what I was drinking. Lesha, Tara and Katie started making fun of me and decided it was time for one of them to be the first taste tester. Katie reaches for The Beverly from France and she almost pukes. We all thought she was just making fun of me, so we all grab to taste it and were expecting it to be delicious, but she wasn't joking. That was the most disgusting thing I've ever tasted!!! We were laughing pretty hard.

That night we went to the Planet Hollywood Buffet for dinner. It was a long wait, but totally worth it. They had the best dessert ever!!! Cotton Candy!!! Are you serious? All you can eat Cotton Candy. I was in heaven. Most people get drunk off liquor, but we have always been able to get drunk off large quantities of food. We were laughing pretty hard and everyone around us was looking at us like we needed to sober up. Dinner that night was so much fun.

It wasn't such a late night since we were all leaving in the morning. It was sad to see everyone go, but we are going to try to make it an annual thing. Love you girls!!!