Mel and Phil decided to make an impromptu trip this weekend. I was so excited to see them! They came down Friday night and we met them at the Davis Rec Center so we could do some swimming. Cayman and Cooper love the water so much. It was fun to go down the water slide, glide along in the lazy river and watch Cayman jump off the diving board. Swimming is pretty tiring, so after we were done swimming we went back to July and Cory's where we played games and chatted long into the night.
The next day we went to The Festival of Colors in Spanish Fork, Utah. What a crazy experience! It is essentially people walking around throwing ground up colored chalk at each other.
Paul wasn't quite up to the craziness. Anyone who knows him, knows he hates stains......any stains. On our first date, we had an incident where he spilled ice cream on his jeans and he instantly had to pull over, take out an ice cube from his drink and get every last bit of ice cream off his pants. I was a little astonished at his behavior, and the obsession has never gone away. We discuss sometimes what our super power would be if we were super heroes. Mine is constantly changing between traveling to the future, stopping time, flying, etc., but Paul's remains the same. He would be the Super Stain Remover. His life mission would be to get out every stain. So for him, the thought of getting stains all over his clothes (even old clothes), that might possibly never come out, was daunting.

The rest of us were up to the challenge. There was music playing, and people bustling about. I walked in and was instantly attacked by a girl throwing purple chalk in my face. I was upset at first and tried to maintain a slightly cleaner appearance than everyone else. However, that didn't last long. Cory dumped yellow in my hair and Cayman and Cooper loved taking the whole bag and just tossing it at you. It ended up being pretty fun and the kids had a great time. I think July got it the worst, thanks to Cory.

Later that afternoon, we met up with Ryan for dinner. It was fun to be able to spend time with my siblings. I always love being with them and am sad when we have to say good-bye.
I sure hope we really did welcome in spring. I'm so done with winter.