Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Posting Elsewhere
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
St. George Baby!
We got up the next morning, ate at the Bear Paw Cafe and then headed to Las Vegas for the day. We discovered we had the Moulon Rouge CD in our car so we had a sing along on the drive. We are fantastic singers! We went to H&M first thing.......and spent 2 1/2 hours there! The boys were getting a little bored and this is what we found:
These guys are hilarious. Male models in the making. After our long shopping trip where I got a ton of great stuff, we headed to the Hard Rock Hotel to eat dinner at The Pink Taco. Dinner was delicious. After dinner we decided we wanted to ride the Big Shot at Stratosphere. Unfortunately, it was too windy, and the only ride open was Insanity. We talked ourselves into going on Insanity and it took a good 30 minutes to do so. We purchased our tickets and headed to the top. This is a picture of us before we got into the elevator. We wanted to have a final picture in case we didn't make it back down from the top. :)
But when we got there, the ride had closed! Bummer!!! So we took the elevator back down and tried to tell ourselves we weren't scared in the first place. Ya right. I was terrified to go on the ride and slightly relieved when it ended up being closed. We walked around the casino's and Paul tried to win $11MM on the slot machines.
Wait a sec, where am I???
Imagine our surprise when we didn't win. :) We headed back to St. George around 12:00 and got home about 1:30. After a bit more talking, it was time for bed.
The next morning, the guys went golfing and the girls went for pedicures. After we were done being pampered, we met up to do some shooting. That was fun! I love shooting. Check out my stance, probably close to perfect (hee, hee)
After shooting we got some pizza and settled in for the night. We played an extremely loud game of Catch Phrase (MILK AND CHEESE.......Jamie is hilarious!), danced to the Kinect (Heather rocks!), and played a friendly game of cards (ok it was Texas Hold 'em and it was not friendly, but it was lots of fun!). It was close to 4 am before anyone was in bed. That night was the funnest!
The next morning we woke up, stopped at In N Out for lunch and headed home. The ride home consisted of singing songs (I was laughing so hard at Rachel singing Oh Elaina!), and reminiscing on the trip. Overall, this was one of the funnest weekends I've had! It was great to get away!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Happy Halloween!!!
Monday, October 17, 2011
Pumpkin Carving

Saturday, September 10, 2011
It's Official!!!
Sunday, July 17, 2011
4th of July Weekend
The next day, Paul's sister Kari blessed her newest son (who incidentally is named Paul). There was a nice brunch held after and it was a great time to spend catching up with Paul's family. That afternoon the boys enjoyed a little game of wiffle ball in the 102 degree weather. The girls were smarter than that and enjoyed some "visiting" inside where the air conditioning was. It was an awesome day!
The next day we were invited to Kari and Clark's to have red, white and blue pancakes. Yumm! We watched a movie with the girls and then went home to take a nap. That night we went to July and Cory's for a bbq and some fireworks. Now that the aerial fireworks are legal, we had a great show! I was a little frightened at times but it was so fun!
I am so thankful to be an American and to be able to enjoy all the freedom's that offers!!!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Weekend in Idaho
For Father's Day, Paul and I went to Idaho to see my family. We had a blast! Mel and Phil bought their first house so we were able to stop and see it on Friday on our way to Dad's. It was great! I'm so happy they are now homeowner's. There's nothing like it.
The next day we took Grandma Mead to breakfast. I feel like there is never enough time to spend with her. I don't get to see her often enough and I wish we lived closer so I could visit more. But the time we were able to spend together was wonderful. After breakfast, we dropped Grandma off at her house and then the rest of us prepared to go mountain biking. We went to Harriman Park just past Ashton. It was a beautiful day. I love mountain biking. The trail was great and I enjoyed being outdoors. After mountain biking, we stopped at Upper Mesa Falls. On our way home we HAD to stop at Frostop for an ice cream cone. I can't ever pass up a chance to have one of those bad boys. Yummmmmmm!!!
The next day was spent helping Mel and Phil move some of the bigger items into their house. It is always great fun when we are in Idaho and I love seeing my family!!
Friday, May 6, 2011
Race for the Cure & Lagoon Weekend
This weekend was the 2nd Annual Race for the Cure for me (it's been around forever, but this is only the 2nd time I've ran). This year Melanee and Phil came down and were able to run with me, Paul, July, Cory and Cayman. We had our own team, "Team Boobapalooza" and we made our own shirts. They weren't perfect, but I think they turned out pretty cute. It was such an amazing thing to be running with my sisters. Once again when the theme music started, I couldn't stop crying. I don't know why it touches me so much, but there is just something about seeing 20,000 people running for women they love. We had a great time and I would love to see my entire family there next year. We missed you Dad, Carma and Ryan!!!
After the race, we went to Kneaders in Bountiful and I can't say enough about the Chunky Cinnamon French Toast. The best thing ever!!! After breakfast we decided to spend the rest of the afternoon at Lagoon. It was a beautiful day and I was happy to FINALLY be spending time outside. Paul is addicted to games where you can win stuffed animals (remember the Circus Circus adventure from a couple years ago?), so he and Phil were on a quest to win the biggest prize in Lagoon. They were wheeling and dealing with the employees getting them to give them 1/2 off prices, or double the tries for the same price. It was hilarious to watch, but they ended up with the biggest prizes there. It was so much fun and I am so thankful for my wonderful family!
Friday, April 22, 2011
We ate and played on the toys for awhile and then Cayman said goodbye and we headed to The Kaysville Theater to watch Gnomeo and Juliet.
I think Cayman was a little tired because she had a hard time sitting through the whole movie, but she made it. We headed home and continued the fun reading books, watching more movies, playing with her dolls and coloring. The next morning we had Tweety Bird pancakes (a tradition if you stay with Aunt Alli),
and did Cayman's makeup (also a tradition). Doesn't she look pretty?
Then we headed to Bountiful to meet July and Cory for the Easter Egg Hunt. It was kind of cold outside, but the kids had a good time. I love having someone stay with me while Paul's away and Cayman's a great sport!