Fourth of July
We spent the 4th of July with Paul's family. We went to the Kaysville Parade, which I thought was pretty good. Kari and Clark tried to tell us it wasn't that spectacular, but compared to other parades I've been to, it wasn't bad. After the parade we went back to Kari and Clark's for a bbq. There was a prize for the most festive food item brought. We brought rice crispie ice cream dessert. We did not win. Dani and Nick won for their red, white and blue snicker salad. That night we went to the Bee's game for a fun night of baseball and fireworks.
Family Reunion
Every year around the 24th of July, my Grandma Mead has the annual Ball reunion. This is something we look forward to every year. It is usually held at Heise Hot Springs and we just come to visit and eat. There is the Famous Ball Auction where we all bring things to sell in order to fund the reunion for the next year. Paul and my cousin Rob were the auctioners this year and they did an excellent job. The big item is always to see how much we can pay for my grandma's homemade pickles. This year they were a steal at $15. We have paid upwards of $30 for them in previous years. Ryan was able to be here this year for it and I enjoyed being able to spend time with him.
Baby Cooper
July and Cory welcomed little Baby Cooper into the world a couple weeks ago. He is a little cutie and we sure do love him already. We like to get big sister presents for our nieces and so for Cayman we got her a princess crown, earrings, and shoes. She tried it all on with her princess dress and she looked so cute!
Cayman the photographer
Cayman took this picture and I was so impressed I thought I should post it. Pretty good job for an almost 3 year old!
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That is pretty much all that has been happening lately and I will try to do better at blogging in the future.